"So now, O sons of the Thought, listen to me, to the Speech of the Mother of your mercy, for you have become worthy of the mystery hidden from the Aeons, so that you might receive it. And the consummation of this particular Aeon and of the evil life has approached, and there dawns the beginning of the Aeon to come, which has no change forever. I am androgynous. I am Mother (and) I am Father, since I copulate with myself. I copulated with myself and with those who love me, and it is through me alone that the All stands firm. I am the Womb that gives shape to the All by giving birth to the Light that shines in splendor. I am the Aeon to come. I am the fulfillment of the All, that is, Meirothea, the glory of the Mother. I cast voiced Speech into the ears of those who know me. -Trimorphic Protennoia, from Early Christian Writings In the liturgy of the ACSC, we often say "the Father-Mother." No doubt, in part, this may be viewed as an attempt to be more linguistically inclusive in the modern era, yet perhaps it would surprise you to know that early Christians conceived of the Absolute as the "Father-Mother" as well.
Trimorphic Protennoia is an absolutely beautiful piece of non-canonical scripture, one that resonates with me as I read through it. The writings are familiar and archetypal- something is activated upon reading though the wider scripture, something that points to the Truth. Admittedly, the sense of the Absolute Reality becomes somewhat confusing- there are a lot of claims of being "the First" and so on. The entire piece is worth reading, and some of the earlier portions talk about how this is the source of the All and the Diverse and so on. In Christ, Steve
1 Comment
Sergio Perez Melo
1/12/2022 03:38:14 pm
Excellent !
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