Practitioner (Lay Minister) by Rev Carol E. Parrish - 9.22.02 Cleric by Rt Rev Gala Gastineau - 10.30.09 and regularized by Most Rev Reggie Regenold 11.1.09 Doorkeeper by Rt Rev Gala Gastineau - 10.30.09 and regularized by Most Rev Reggie Regenold 11.1.09 Reader by Rt Rev Gala Gastineau - 10.30.09 and regularized by Most Rev Reggie Regenold 11.1.09 Exorcist/Healer by Rt Rev Gala Gastineau - 10.30.09 and regularized by Most Rev Reggie Regenold 11.1.09 Acolyte by Rt Rev Gala Gastineau - 10.30.09 and regularized by Most Rev Reggie Regenold 11.1.09 Subdeacon by Rt Rev Gala Gastineau - 10.30.09 and regularized by Most Rev Reggie Regenold 11.1.09 Deacon by Most Rev Tom Simota - 7.17.10 Archdeacon by Most Rev Tom Simota - 7.17.10
Path of Holy Orders/Initiation Descriptions
Cleric…is a preliminary step to the Minor Orders. The Cleric dedicates him or herself to God and the service of Christ. A focus is given to the physical/etheric body as the temple of the Holy Spirit/Christ-Within.
Doorkeeper…learns devotion to God and humanity through acts of service. A focus is given to the emotional/astral body to learn how tranquility develops. In former times, it was the duty of the Doorkeeper to ring the church bells and open the doors at the appointed time. In our time, the role is to usher in the control and understanding of the feeling nature.
Reader…works to control the powers of the mind and devote those to God’s service. After having worked to control the body and emotions, the candidate now works to transform the intellect. In former times, the Reader read for the Preacher, intoned the lessons, blessed bread and all first-fruits. In our time, the role is to lector and cultivate the power of concentration.
Exorcist / Healer…focuses on producing wholeness of life in others, for to heal means to make whole. In this order, the power of the will is more highly developed; transformation of the will involves culturing the heart in order to assist others with healing themselves of separateness.
Acolyte…has the responsibility to quicken the intuition and open the self to spiritual influence. Through spiritual disciplines and practices, the ego is transformed. The Acolyte bears the spiritual light of the Christ and strives to enkindle the sense of God’s Presence within the hearts of others. This final Minor Order is intended to help the candidate quicken his / her spiritual faculties and understanding. Lay Minister equivalent.
Subdeacon…is a preparatory step to the Major Orders. Purified by previous initiations, the stage is set for more profound transformations. It is at this stage that the title of Reverend is assumed by the candidate. Formerly, the Subdeacon was responsible for providing water for the service of the altar, to wash the altar lines and to guard the gates of the sanctuary. This is the start of one taking his/her place at the altar and assisting in the performance of the rites. The Subdeacon learns control of speech, love of service and diligence at the altar.
Deacon…is the first of the Major Orders. The candidate is sufficiently empowered by this initiation to administer the sacraments of baptism and marriage, to handle the sacred vessels, and to help in the care of the sick and poor. The Deacon ministers at the altar, reads the Gospel and has a larger speaking part in the rites. The Deacon may also conduct final rites. Minister equivalent.
Archdeacon…is an apprentice to the Priest and the conscience of the Spiritual Community. Through this role, the candidate learns to work more closely with others and with levels of self through explorations of transformation at a deeper level. The Archdeacon prepares for the role of Priest by examining all facets of the inner and outer life.