In the midst of writing an entry discussing Advent, the website did the sort-of crashing thing again. I'm not sure at this point how practical it is to continue the devotional, but I'll look into it to see what the problem could possibly be.
In Christ, Steve
In the love of Christ and from all of us to all of you, the Aquarian Catholic Spiritual Community would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
The Devotional will be on break until next week due to family obligations on my end. In Christ, Steve The Daily Devotional section is undergoing a bit of trouble as I'm unable to copy and paste information from other sources at the moment.
I'll check back again tomorrow and try to update things to see if it's a temporary issue. We've had this happen previously as well, but not quite to this extent. In Christ, Steve "Jesus said: Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death. Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds, and when he finds, he will be troubled, and when he has been troubled, he will marvel, and he will reign over the All. Jesus said: If those who lead you, say to you, “See, the Kingdom is in heaven”, then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, “See, it is in the sea”, then the fish will precede you. But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you. If you know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty."
"Seek, all of you, after the Light, so that the power of your Soul that is in you may live. Do not desist from seeking by day and by night, until you find the purifying mysteries of the Light which refine the body of matter and make it a pure Light very refined. Do to all men who come to you and believe in you and listen to your words what is worthy of the mysteries of the Light, give the mysteries of the Light and do not hide them from them. For he who shall give life to a single soul and liberate it, besides the Light that is in his own soul, he shall receive other glory in return for the soul he has liberated."
One thing that isn't lacking in Christian spirituality is the sheer volume of information and ideas worth considering and studying. We aren't lacking in this regard, and indeed, anyone wishing to contemplate over things need only turn to the Holy Tradition to find that which they seek.
Of course, that's all fine and well, but ultimately, these things point us to the deepest reality, the truth that is God Indwelling as the deepest aspect of ourselves. The Holy Trinity is a formulation, a theological expression of the deepest truth of our experience of God. And it's beautiful and mysterious and holy all at once. Something about the Triune God renders us never needing to be lonely again, for there are always the three. In Christ, Steve "It is not our intention to state that Jesus Christ never lived, but we are forced in the cause of honesty to affirm that there is no adequate contemporaneous evidence to support the Gospel stories. We feel, therefore, that the true significance of the Gospels lies, not in their historical parts, but, in their 'MYSTICAL' parts. The Jesus of Galilee may or may not have lived, but we agree entirely with St. Paul that this is not of first importance, rather it is the 'CHRIST IN YOU' that is the hope of glory."
(Manly P. Hall, The Students Monthly Letter. 4th year #7) Only a few minutes ago I began to write a post for everyone, and somehow an error occurred. The post and the draft alike both disappeared, leaving us with...nothing. That's never happened on here, not that I can recall, as usually the draft remains somehow and can be recovered.
Instead of attempting to re-write everything, I'll instead accept that perhaps whatever blessings I meant to give everyone weren't meant to go out, and that you'll have to seek alternative blessings on this day. May the love of the Holy Trinity deepen by the moment! In Christ, Steve Today, I'll share some of my own gratitude.
I'm grateful for Christianity as a religion (or spiritual path or whatever one might call it) and for the symbolism therein to which I'm accustomed. The truth is, without the Holy Trinity, my reality becomes fairly shaky and seems to lack meaning. That's not the case for everyone, and that's something I understand. I'm grateful for living in the Northern Hemisphere and finally living far enough north that I can experience a true autumn. From mid-October on, Virginia is ablaze with color and coolness and everything with associate with autumn. In recent years, I tried to put together the "vibe" of autumn- setting out pumpkins and drinking pumpkin spice lattes and watching leaves fall. Feeling the cool air on my skin. Yet by focusing on the Holy Trinity FIRST, I can see the Presence of God in His Handiwork. (This is a poetic expression and not meant to be taken literally. Mystics will understand.) There's a sense that we must seek God FIRST and then all things are added to us. Perhaps the childlike wonder that we lose regarding life and big holidays like Christmas stems from a loss of the innocence and connection to God. Yet when I use the term "God," perhaps others are more comfortable with some other framework or understanding, and I'm fine with that. The principle is the same- awareness of INFINITE EXISTENCE first then the leads us to see the meaningfulness in the everyday and ordinary. In Christ, Steve November is an amazing month that gets too little attention.
Thanksgiving has largely been overshadowed by Christmas in more recent years, and in some ways, it's understandable. Christmas involves a number of aspects, both religious and secular, as does Halloween. But Thanksgiving is a sort of glorified meal- and of course, we can be thankful any day, right? Personally, I tend to have pretty great Halloweens and Thanksgivings. Christmas is...a bumpier ride for me, for several reasons that I won't bore the reader with. I do with Thanksgiving came with its own rituals- lighting of candles or some such thing. Alas! Perhaps one day someone will start such a trend. In Christ, Steve From the Aquarian Catholic Spiritual Community to all of you, Happy Halloween!!!
In Christ, Steve Father Sergio has provided us with a series of Theosophical articles.
Please find the first of them here: Theosophy World. In Christ, Steve "O Thou Who gives sustenance to the universe, From Whom all things proceed, To Whom all things return, Unveil to us the face of the true Spiritual Sun Hidden by a disc of golden Light That we may know the Truth and do our whole duty As we journey to Your sacred feet. O Christ, the Inner (True) Light, enlighten us!" Courtesy of Father Sergio of Santuario San Juan Apostol